The Wapping Group of Artists - Est 1939

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

New Wapping Group of Artists website

Posted on: November 26th, 2013

The new Wapping Group website is taking shape and will feature a wide range of new information, past group history and a new news area to keep you up to date with current activities within the group as well as images of various painting days and exhibitions. We hope that you like our new website and find it both interesting and informative. We welcome feedback so if you have any comments or suggestions relating to the website get in touch via the Contact page. Don’t forget to sign up to our emailing list’.


Ken Howard OBE RA opens the recent Wapping Group exhibition

Posted on: September 1st, 2013

Ken Howard OBE RA opens the recent Wapping Group exhibition held at the Chris Beetles gallery in September.

The Private View was very well attended and, in his short speech to open the show, Ken Howard stressed the importance of plein-air painting which is fundamental both to him and to the ethos of the Wapping Group.

The show was well received and sales of pictures were healthy. Below is a photo of Ken Howard with members of the Wapping Group outside the gallery.


Martyn Pearson elected an Honorary Member of the Wapping Group of Artists in 2012

Posted on: November 26th, 2012

Here is the text of a short self-explanatory speech given by the Secretary, Steven Alexander, at the convivial Whitebait supper held in the Cutty Sark pub in Greenwich:

‘I should like to begin by quoting from the 2006 Wapping Group book: “The Wapping Group also has an Honorary Membership category but in almost every case this has been awarded to full painting members who for one reason or another were unable to continue painting. The single exception to this was Ernest King, a staunch friend and supporter of the Group, who was never a painting member”.

Now, when I first learnt of the Wapping Group archives, I’ll admit that I was intrigued; when I discovered that they were at the time stored in cardboard boxes in someone’s loft (Roger Dellar’s loft, I think), the thought did cross my mind: they were safe enough, but might be at risk from damp or worse in the longer term. They were also, I learnt, in disarray having been plundered for display purposes and hurriedly returned. So the conundrum was how to safeguard this invaluable heritage as effectively as possible.

In stepped Martyn, who has lovingly photographed every image and document, and who continues to update and improve the archives with undiminished enthusiasm. If the worst were to occur now every member of the group has a disk on which the elements of our heritage are recorded for posterity. I reckon it is likely that nobody alive knows more about the Wapping Group, and that few people in recent times have done such spectacular service to the group. In sixty six years the Group has had only one non-painting honorary member, so this is a very rare occurrence, but (I suggest) in Martyn’s case, a worthy instance. Therefore I should like to ask our President Robin Mackervoy to present Martyn with a Wapping Group tie in recognition of his considerable support of the Group and as a sign of his election to Honorary Membership of the Group’.


Article about the Wapping Group in ‘The Artist’ magazine

Posted on: October 1st, 2012

The Wapping Group was featured in ‘The Artist’ magazine in October 2012, the article can be viewed online by clicking the image below.

Days in the Life of the Wapping Group of Artists
