The Wapping Group of Artists - Est 1939

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Our Annual Dinner at The Mall Galleries

Posted on: October 25th, 2015

Each year we join with guests for our annual dinner. As usual we were in the Mall Galleries appropriately surrounded by this year’s RSMA show. No more description is needed except a picture to set the scene as our President Robin Mackervoy stands to deliver a few words!

Annual dinner

‘A selection of photo’s of the group on location this season’

Posted on: September 24th, 2015


John Stillman

John Stillman painting at Brenford Lock.

Karl Terry Strand-on-the-Green

A very strange sight indeed to be seen at Strand-on-the-Green, Karl Terry in his all-in-one wet weather gear! The wettest day of the season!


Derek Daniells, John Killens and Karl Terry enjoying some wonderful summer light.

David Penny

David Penny taking on Greenwich.


And after a hard day’s painting some of the group enjoying a well-deserved drink!

Paul Banning

Paul Banning


Roger Dellar and John Killens at Tollesbury.

Robin Mackervoy 2

Our President Robin Mackervoy painting in comfort.

Robin Mackervoy

Robin Mackervoy arriving at Putney.

J.Stillman, K.Terry at Rye

John Stillman and Karl Terry painting between showers at Rye.

A Visit to France

Posted on: July 16th, 2015

Each year Wapper Michael Richardson and his partner Kate have organised a painting trip to France in which members are joined by friends for a holiday where painting takes precedence. This year we were in St Malo, Le Croisic and finally in Honfleur. With the sun under the command of weather maestro Trevor Chamberlain we had 10 days of wonderful light and varied subjects.

Karl Terry, wapping group, painting, france

Karl Terry on the right braves the full sun in St Nazaire, a fascinating working port where huge ships are built.

Wapping Group, France, painting, Trevor Chamberlain


Trevor Chamberlain finds a shady spot to paint the wonderful walled town of Guérande.

The Painting Season starts with the Whitebait Supper

Posted on: July 16th, 2015

Every year we start and finish the painting season with the traditional Whitebait Supper. This year in the Cutty Sark pub in Greenwich we were treated with glorious views across the Thames in beautiful evening light. Here you see the members catching up after the winter break!

Whitebait, wapping group, thames, artists, London

Record picture sales for The Wapping Group at The Mall Galleries

Posted on: February 24th, 2015

The 69th Annual Exhibition of paintings by the Wapping Group, which closed last Saturday, has been very successful indeed. The Private View on Sunday February 15th was extremely busy and at the end of just that first afternoon 21 paintings had been sold. In each of the six days that followed there were between 200 and 300 visitors to the North Gallery, and the show finished with the sale of 39 paintings and 3 original prints (by John Bryce). The group have been exhibiting at the Mall Galleries since 2005 and have always sold a good number of paintings but this is a record.

There were plenty of very positive comments, from our long-standing supporters and also from first-time visitors to the show: the exhibition was ‘fantastic as always’, ‘wonderfully diverse’, and ‘brimming with personality’. The paintings were ‘inspiring’, and showed ‘the Thames in all its glory’; newcomers were very impressed: ‘this is the first time I have visited, and will certainly come again!’

The fine selection of around a thousand greetings cards that were on offer were also eagerly snapped up, and virtually sold out.

All in all, a wonderful response to a show that the group members and fellow painters felt had reached a new standard for its range of subject matter and for the artistic skill shown in watercolour, oils and pastels.

If you missed the show this time please add your name to the mailing list for future exhibitions.

Photo 24-02-2015 08 40 14

Some early visitors to the Private View, which was shortly afterwards very busy indeed.


The Wapping Group and friends featured in the local French press as they paint in Amboise

Posted on: July 7th, 2014

Under the heading ‘Des peintres anglais dans la ville’, the presence of the Wapping Group and friends aroused plenty of interest in the beautiful French town of Amboise. The ‘Nouvelle République’ for June 18th explained that ‘ils ont traversé la Manche pour peindre Amboise’ and that the Wapping Group is ‘une des plus anciennes sociétés de peintres de plein air d’Angleterre’, and advised local people to ‘ouvrir l’oeil’. This is certainly what happened; locals kept their eyes peeled and showed plenty of interest in the work that the group produced. The photo, taken by Rob Adams, illustrates this well.

Photo 17-06-2014 07 13 22 pm

50 new paintings on the website

Posted on: June 9th, 2014

There are now another fifty paintings by the Wapping Group on this website. There are some paintings by new member, Rob Adams, another round of Gallery images has been added, and the Features section covers the letter B in the Alphabet of WGA painting venues by contrasting Brentford and Battlesbridge. We hope that you enjoy looking at our paintings

Rob Adams elected a member of the Wapping Group

Posted on: May 7th, 2014

On April 16th, after a year as a candidate, Rob Adams was elected a full member of the Wapping Group of Artists. We wish him a long and enjoyable life as a Wapper. In the traditional supper that opens the painting programme WGA President Robin Mackervoy presented Rob with the coveted tie.

Robin gives Rob Adams tie B

68th Annual Spring Exhibition

Posted on: February 26th, 2014

Below are some images from the opening of the 68th Annual Exhibition at the Mall Galleries, London.

Following a welcoming address by Robin Mackervoy the Exhibition was formally opened by John Deston, Gallery and Events Manager, who has been involved in putting on every Wapping Group show held at the Mall Galleries.

‘London and its River’ is open from 24th February to 1st March 2014, 10am to 5pm daily and 10am to 4pm on Saturday 1st March.

_MG_6761 _MG_6763


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Two recent magazine articles featuring the Wapping Group

Posted on: January 23rd, 2014
Wappers on site, a pause in the action

Wappers hard at work; a pause in the action

The February 2014 issue of Artists & Illustrators magazine contains a short article which examines the background and objectives of the group and features four Wappers (Edman O’Aivazian, Derek Daniells, Karl Terry and John Killens), who explain which sections of the Thames they find most inspiring.

A few months ago the Wapping Group broke new ground when a team of French journalists interviewed and photographed some of them on location at Gillingham and Lower Halstow for the October-November issue (no. 112) of the magazine Pratique des Arts.

The title of the article is ‘En virée [on location] avec le Wapping group’. Readers with reasonable French can enjoy an in-depth exploration of the planning, setting up and execution of ‘plein-air’ (and sometimes ‘pleine-pluie’ ) painting. The article is both informative and fully illustrated.