The Wapping Group of Artists - Est 1939

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

A new President for the Wapping Group

Posted on: April 20th, 2017

The 2017 AGM brought a number of changes to the Group as two of our longest-serving officers stepped down from their terms of service. After twenty-five years ( including fifteen as Social Secretary and five as Chairman) Robin Mackervoy  concluded his five-year Presidency. We are delighted to have as our new President another very well-known figure on the wider art scene, Roger Dellar. In taking over, Roger paid warm tribute to Robin for his term as President, firmly based upon the Group’s traditions.

Further changes followed. Geoff Hunt took over from Alan Runagall as Chairman, and in turn thanked Alan for his five years as a very hard-working, dedicated and unflappable Chairman. Alan too had served as an officer for twenty-five years. John Killens was elected to the post of Secretary after seven years as Social Secretary, and that role now goes to Karl Terry.

Having formally established the category of Honorary Member, the meeting went on to award this distinction to John Powley.

We welcome a new full member, John Walsom. John trained as an architect, and later worked as a theatre designer, scenic artist, photographer, and illustrator.  He works in oils and watercolour, and has shown with the ROI, the RBA, Chelsea Art Society, and at the RA Summer exhibition

Chris Burdett continues as a Candidate for the 2017 season.

Roger Dellar receiving the chain of office from Robin Mackervoy
Robin:Roger handover 2017
















New Wapping Group member John Walsom





















Annual Exhibition 2017

Posted on: April 20th, 2017

The Group’s 71st exhibition opened on Sunday 12 March at the Mall Galleries, closing at 4pm on Saturday 18th.  138 framed works were shown by the members and candidates. As usual, many different places were visited by the membership last summer, so the subject matter was very varied depicting not only the River Thames, but subjects further afield such as Faversham and Maldon, as well as a few City of London scenes.

The exhibition was opened by our retiring President Robin Mackervoy who is standing down after 25 years’ service to the Group. Robin thanked Exhibition Organisers Derek Daniells and Rob Adams and their hanging committee, and also to John Deston and the Mall staff for their excellent work in getting the exhibition on the wall from a 10am start to all finished and labelled by 2pm.

The exhibition was very well attended throughout. At the final count 31 pictures were sold, together a number of unframed prints, cards, and some superb booklets of work by Trevor Chamberlain and Bert Wright.

There were two noteworthy events during the exhibition. The first, arranged at very short notice, was a live interview on London Live television at midday on the Private View, with Geoff Hunt answering questions about the Group and the exhibition. The second event was an all-day workshop on Wednesday 15th March conducted by Roger Deller on behalf of the Friends of the Mall Galleries. Roger took his eleven students to the Hungerford Bridge area for a ‘plein air’ painting session before returning to the gallery to look at the exhibition and discuss their  work.


Robin at 2017 show edit


WGA Annual Exhibition in The Mall Galleries, 13th March – 18th March 2017

Posted on: November 8th, 2016

13th March – 17th March 10am – 5pm, Saturday 18th March 10am – 4pm

“Members of the Wapping Group have been painting “en plein air” in London and along the banks of the Thames since 1946.

During the summer once a week, come rain or shine, the group meets and paints at an agreed venue. From Windsor to Faversham,

from riverbank to city street each subject is seen and recorded through the member’s eyes. Each year they exhibit the year’s delights

and sights of riverbank, estuary and city. A unique exhibition of over a hundred works ranging from the expressive plein air sketch to the

more considered studio pieces. All works are for sale.”


‘Maldon Still Morning’  by John Killens



‘Historic AGM’

Posted on: April 12th, 2016

History was made at the Group’s Annual General Meeting on April 6 2016 when Rosemary Miller was elected to full membership of the Group on a unanimous vote. This earns Rosemary the distinction of being the first woman member to join the Wapping group since its formation in 1946.

Rosemary  lives in Guildford and had a career in display and exhibition work before becoming a professional artist some 15 years ago. She works predominantly in watercolour and enjoys looking for the unusual viewpoint when painting en plein air. She is a full member of the Society of Women Artists where she has won the Anthony J Lester award and the Rosemary and Co. Award, and she serves on the SWA’s Council.  She has exhibited with the RSMA and the RI, as well as at various private galleries.

We offer Rosemary our warmest congratulations on her historic achievement. Rosemary’s work can be seen in our next general exhibition at the Rye gallery in October this year, and in our next annual exhibition at the Mall galleries in 2017.

In other news from the AGM, Anthony Flemming, who has been a dedicated Wapper since 1990, was made an Honorary Member. New Candidates for the comimg year are Chris Burdett, Graham Davies , and John Walsom.


Rosie 1 Rosie 2

‘Mall Galleries 2016 exhibition photos’

Posted on: March 7th, 2016

A selection of photos from our exhibition at the Mall Galleries 2016

Visit from Putney art group Rog & buyer Photo0224 P1090071 P1090070 P1090068 001

‘London and its River’ 2016 exhibition at the Mall Galleries’

Posted on: December 8th, 2015

This is to announce the 2016 exhibition of the Wapping Group of Artists in the Threadneedle Space at the Mall Galleries, which will be our 70th show. We were formed in 1946 by a group of keen plein air painters to record the sights of the busy Port of London and the surrounding city. Each year the exhibition brings together the varied sights of today’s city along with some memories of the old. Although we are united in our subject matter each of the 25 exhibiting members brings their own unique vision to bear giving a very broad and varied view of our changing city.

The exhibition will run from the private view at 2pm on Sunday the 28th of February until closing at 4pm on Saturday the 5th of March.
We would be more than delighted to see friends old and new! All pictures will be for sale.

Henley 39 (20 x 30)

‘Two new candidates elected’

Posted on: December 2nd, 2015

The Wapping Group is delighted to welcome Chris Burdett and John Walsom as Candidates.

They will be joining us for the painting programme and all other Group activities during the 2016 season, beginning next April.





















‘Trevor Chamberlain 70 years of painting!’

Posted on: November 20th, 2015

Trevor Chamberlain’s oils and watercolours will be featured in The Artist Magazine to celebrate

70 years of painting, written by Tony Frazer Price.

The article will appear in the January 2016 edition, available in mid – December.

Trevor is a well – established Wapping Group member having been elected in 1969, in the days

when all the docks were still active and the mighty Thames was a working waterway.

1. ‘Dusty Road, Ghanerao, India’ (oil)  On site painting depicting the bustle and activity of this dusty street, late one evening.

2. ‘Early morning, Euston Road’ (oil)  Painted on site one morning in Autumn, standing on a traffic island.



‘Exhibition of past WGA member Roy Glanville RBA RSMA’

Posted on: November 20th, 2015

An exhibition of oil paintings, gouaches & drawings by Roy Glanville RBA RSMA (1914 – 1965)

will be held at the Roland Goslet Gallery, 139 Kew Road, Richmond, Surrey TW9 2PN

from Saturday 21st November 2015 – Sunday 29th November 2015  11am – 7pm each day.

Images of the paintings can be viewed at

Working Vessel, the Thames

Exhibition at The Minster Gallery in Winchester

Posted on: October 25th, 2015

Most years we try and have an exhibition other than our annual show at the Mall. This year we are very pleased to be at the Minster Gallery in Winchester. The show runs until the 21st of November 2015 so plenty of time to see it if you are in the region.

winchester, show, exhibition