The Wapping Group of Artists - Est 1939

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

‘Welcome to two new Candidates’

Posted on: February 24th, 2022

The Wapping Group warmly welcomes two new Candidates, Tushar Sabel and Max White.  We look forward to seeing them out painting with us in the 2022 season, beginning in April.

‘Successful book launch’

Posted on: February 10th, 2022

The Group’s new book was officially launched at the annual show yesterday evening at the Mall Galleries. Geoff Hunt thanked all concerned while Roger Dellar painted a fine demonstration work. We were delighted to see many old friends there, including Anthony Lester and John Deston.
It’s not too late to catch the show, which ends at 4pm this Sunday 13th February, and you can buy the book either at the show or online, just follow the link on this page.

Book Launch evening and painting demonstration by Roger Dellar

Posted on: January 24th, 2022

We’re delighted to be able to add even more to what promises to be a fun evening on Wednesday 9th February at the launch of our 75th anniversary book, “A Changing View” – Roger Dellar has promised to paint one his extremely popular demonstrations as well!

Do join us between 6 – 8pm for a celebratory glass of wine and a relaxed look at the exhibition, as well as being an ideal opportunity to pick up a copy of the new book at just £27.50, saving the usual £ 5.25 post and packing charge.

The 2022 Exhibition – just three weeks to go!

Posted on: January 17th, 2022

It’s great to be able to get back to showing our paintings of the year at the wonderful Mall Galleries, and the 2022 exhibition will be a special one since it commemorates our 75th anniversary, which we weren’t able to do last year. At the same time we are formally launching our new book, “A Changing View”.

For the Exhibition and details of the book, see other pages here. You’re also very welcome to the book launch on the evening of Wednesday 9th February, but all through the exhibition this is your ideal opportunity to pick up a copy of the book at just £27.50, saving the usual £ 5.25 post and packing charge.

A Changing View – Latest news

Posted on: November 29th, 2021

Delivery of the Wapping Group’s new book to the warehouse is expected this week, and we will very shortly be adding the order and payment page to this website – please keep checking!

‘A Changing View’

Posted on: November 8th, 2021

The long-awaited Wapping Group 75th anniversary book, ‘A Changing View’ is finally rolling off the press! David Penny and Geoff Hunt have made three trips to the printers, Colourgraphics Arts, to check the colour and then to watch the first sheets coming through.

Check this News page again in a couple of weeks for full details of the book and how to order a copy.

‘The Wapping painting year gets under way’

Posted on: April 29th, 2021

Good news for once: we have started our 2021 painting season with the hope that last year may be, finally, behind us. We’re keeping outdoors, naturally, and several paint-brush distances apart. Our first date was Isleworth, and true to form the weather was highly unpromising!

Keep watching this space for ongoing news of the Wapping Group’s 75th anniversary book, which is now in production.

Frozen-fingered images courtesy of John Killens and John Walsom

IMG_8451:a WGA 2021 Isleworth

Plans for 2021

Posted on: January 19th, 2021

A year ago the Wapping Group was very busy with preparations for our usual annual show at the end of February, and with finalising the annual painting programme. We were having all the usual debate about places to go, pubs to list for the end of day, guests to invite, and all the rest of it. We were, in short, looking forward to another year’s painting, with nothing more serious to worry about than the weather forecasts. None of us could possibly  have imagined what was about to happen.

We just about squeezed the 2020 exhibition in before coronavirus struck fully. Then it was lockdown, and we converted the annual painting programme into a virtual one, not going out but working from reference in the studio. Much later, in the summer as the situation eased, some of us ventured outdoors to paint for a few of the dates. But then things got worse again, and in November we took the decision to defer and then cancel altogether our plans for the 2021 annual show.

We are sorry to disappoint all our many followers, not to mention ourselves, but any prospect of a show in 2021 is still too much like wishful thinking. Meanwhile we hope, like everyone else, that vaccination will eventually liberate us, and on that basis we are planning our painting programme as usual for 2021. It gives us something to go on even if we may have to miss a few dates at the beginning, and we know we can always fall back on ‘virtual’ painting. Those of you who followed the virtual programme on Facebook through 2020 will know that each week brought fascinating work to look at, and we hope to keep posting this year, whether virtual or not – keep your eye on it!


‘Return to the great outdoors’

Posted on: August 25th, 2020
In recent weeks the Wappers have started venturing out again. On August 12th some of us were at Cadogan Pier, Cheyne Walk – with thanks for their kind invitation to Simon Rutter and Albyns Ltd – looking for some shade on the hottest day of the year! Paintings can be seen on our Facebook page.
Geoff Hunt and John Killens at Cadogan Pier (photo courtesy Connie Habershon, Cadogan Pier)
GH & JK Cadogan Pier

Three new Wappers!

Posted on: August 6th, 2020

At the 2020 AGM last week, the Wapping Group elected three new members  – we are proud to welcome them on board. They send the following short biographical notes together with photos which they will probably come to regret! Very best wishes to all three, and we look forward to many years of painting together.

Andy Lee

I studied at Watford College, then worked in the printing industry for a number of years, painting and sketching in any spare time available. After the industry moved into the computer age (which left me cold),  I left ‘the print’ and have painted full time since. I work mainly in oil and watercolour, and enjoy all subjects, marine, landscape, architecture, still life, and even the odd portrait. I’ve exhibited with the RSMA and the RI.

Robbie Murdoch

Robbie trained as a Dental Surgeon at Guy’s Hospital and has been painting all his life.  Since retirement in 2008 he has studied at the Heatherley School of Fine Art and now concentrates on painting both plein air and portraiture.  He has frequently  exhibited with the ROI and the RSMA.

Chris Robinson

An architect who has painted all his life, in particular watercolours where he finds the spontaneity of the medium well suited for painting outdoors. He lives in close proximity to the Thames at Kew, enjoys painting the river, and has won local and national awards for his work.


Andy Lee 2











Andy Lee

Chris Robinson painting by the river in the Dordogne










Chris Robinson

Robbie Murdoch













Robbie Murdoch